
The deputy responded to foreigners’ question

The deputy responded to foreigners’ question: to reduce the use of electric bikes in next 3 to 5 years

The second session of the 6th Hainan Provincial People's Congress starts on January 27, 2019 in Haikou, and 375 deputies attend the session.

"We will try to optimize the bus system and decrease the use of electric bikes in the next 3 to 5 years," Cai Jianjia, the deputy attending the session, told hinews.cn, when he was asked about the traffic problem caused by the large number of electric bikes in Hainan after the session.

In a previous report from the English Channel of hinews.cn, some foreigners living in Haikou and Sanya said that there are too many electric bikes in the streets, which are very dangerous and inconvenient to the traffic.

"About the electric bikes," said Cai Jianjia, "we need to consider the factors of Hainan’s tropical climate and its geography, we have to offer some conveniences to local people, so it has a lot of impact to the traffic."

According to Cai Jianjia, there are more than 800 thousand electric bikes in Haikou, and the percentage of injuries increased in 2018.

"We are providing the control, but there is still a large number of cars, so the next step we will consider whether we should control the electric bikes according to the time node by legislation," he said.

"We'll also raise the issue at the session this afternoon to optimize the bus system, and reduce the use of electric bikes in the next 3 to 5 years," he added.

Responsible editor: 石一涵
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