
Zhu Dingjian: Hainan can prolong visa permissions for foreign expats

With the construction and development of Hainan Pilot Free Trade Zone, more and more foreign companies are settling in Hainan, and the number of foreigners working in Hainan is also increasing. How to let these foreign expats stay and work in Hainan for a longer period of time? Ken Chu(Zhu Dingjian),the chairman and CEO of Mission Hills Group and also the Member of the Hainan Provincial Committee of the CPPCC, suggested that Hainan can prolong the visa permissions for the foreigners working in Hainan to offer them more conveniences.

“One of the suggestions I made was how can we have a relaxed flexibility on the visa permission for many of these overseas talents,” Ken Chu told hinews.cn.

According to Ken Chu, currently students can only get a F visa to come to Hainan, and they cannot work with a F visa, because the duration is only 3 months.

“So can we relax it to become 1 year? Then it'll have a much longer loyalty for the expats to work in Hainan, because all these expats have many countries and cities to choose from, and if we want to compete ourselves with all the other cities in China, what favorable terms can we offer them?” Ken Chu raised the question.

He suggested that Hainan can prolong the visa working period for the foreign expats, offering them more favorable conditions to attract them to stay in Hainan, and help us to grow Hainan Pilot Free Trade Zone.

Responsible editor: 石一涵
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