
Shen Xiaoming met with the Chairman of the Board of IAAPA David Rosenberg

On the afternoon of October 15, Hainan Provincial Governor Shen Xiaoming met with the Chairman of the Board of the International Association of Amusement Parks and Attractions (IAAPA) David Rosenberg as well as the President and CEO of IAAPA Hal McEvoy.

Shen Xiaoming extended welcome to the IAAPA for holding the 2019 IAAPA Asia-Pacific Summit in Hainan. He stated that the central government supports Hainan in comprehensively deepening reform and opening up, clarifying the orientation of "Three Zones and One Center", among which building the International Tourism Consumption Center is the key part of the construction of Hainan Pilot Free Trade Zone and Free Trade Port with Chinese characteristics.

Hainan is on the way to bring in international brands of amusement parks and theme parks, facilitating the construction of the tourist roads around the island and the Rainforest National Park. Hainan will welcome IAAPA and its members to participate in the construction above, in a bid to build a more international Hainan island.

The participants are communicating at the breakfast meeting of the IAAPA Asia-Pacific Summit.

David Rosenberg said that the Asia-Pacific area has witnessed the fastest growth in the amusement industry and Hainan has great potential for development. The IAAPA is looking forward to strengthening cooperation with Hainan, and the Asia-Pacific Summit held in Hainan has helped promote Hainan to the members of IAAPA.

Ni Qiang, Secretary-general of Hainan provincial government, also attended the meeting.

Responsible editor: 陳書敏
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