
The 2019 World Tourism Exchange China (Haikou) kicked off to boost Hainan's inbound tourism

The opening ceremony of 2019 World Tourism Exchange China (Haikou). 

On October 23rd, the conference of 2019 World Tourism Exchange China (Haikou) was held in Hainan International Convention and Exhibition Center. More than 130 travel agencies from American and Europe conducted in-depth communication and exchanges with over 230 destinations and tourism enterprises from China.

On the opening ceremony, 8 foreign tourism enterprises including Mondi Airlines signed cooperation framework agreements with 16 counterparts in Haikou including Hainan United Airlines Travel Group Co., Ltd., to carry out extensive cooperation on the promotion of tourism products, the development of projects and the transportation for the tourists, in a bid to boost the development of Hainan's inbound tourism.

The signing ceremony of 2019 World Tourism Exchange China (Haikou).

Focused on the status quo of China's inbound tourism, the World Tourism Exchange China (Haikou) invited the international buyers and domestic sellers to conduct a variety of trade promotion and exchange activities on the customization, incubation and marketing of China's inbound tourism products, such as tourism trade forums, tourism product transactions, and tourism product research, so as to create an all-round innovative platform of “Summit Forum + Product Trading + Event Marketing” for the incubation and trading of tourism products.

Combining in-depth forums and industry exhibitions, the conference has presented the linkage of “in-depth forum + professional exhibition + research + corresponding activities”. A total of 60 domestic destinations and sellers participated in the exhibition, among which 6 cities, such as Haikou,Guiyang, Zhangjiajie, Changsha, Chengdu and Shanghai, also showed local tourism resources and features to the guests through video broadcast. At the same time, the conference also released the "Report on European Outbound Tourism Market" and "Report on American Outbound Tourism Market".

Responsible editor: 陳書敏
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